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Nocode: Advantages and disadvantages

The development of digital solutions has become crucial for companies. However, IT projects can be costly, time consuming and complex. The time required for traditional development is long, and resources capable of developing digital solutions are scarce and expensive.

The Nocode makes it possible to meet these challenges.

What is Nocode?

Nocode is a method of software development that allows people to create applications without the need for code skills. This means that people with expertise in other areas such as graphic design, marketing or finance can create applications without the need for a developer.

This new way of developing is done through Nocode tools. Here is a non-exhaustive list.
This approach allows rapid deployment of digital projects and is accessible to a large number of people thanks to tools that are - relatively - simple to learn. It offers many benefits, such as accelerating application development, responding quickly to changes, improving the user experience, and creating custom software faster than traditional methods.

If you want to know more about Nocode in general, we invite you to read this latest version.

In the rest of this article, we will look in more detail at the advantages and disadvantages of Nocode technologies.

Advantages of Nocode

Time saving

The development of a traditional application can take several months, sometimes to the point of not being adapted to the needs once the application is delivered. With Nocode, this timeframe can be greatly reduced. Users can quickly see what their application will look like, and can make changes quickly. A recent study indicates that companies that use Low-code or Nocode solutions have seen their development time reduced by 75%.

Productivity gain

The productivity gain brought by the Nocode tools is felt in several aspects:

  • Increased productivity for developers. Nocode and code are not opposites. Nocode tools can help developers and technical teams work more efficiently and produce results faster by focusing on design rather than programming.
  • More autonomous business team. Nocode also allows business teams to be more autonomous and thus to relieve the workload of technical teams.
  • Error reduction. Because these tools offer pre-designed models or components, human errors are greatly reduced. This saves a lot of time, especially for more senior profiles who usually check the code of more operational developers.
  • High flexibility. Whether it is to adapt to user and market needs, users can quickly add or remove features or modify automations without having to rewrite all the code.

The cost

Due to the high cost of traditional developers and the much longer development time than with Nocode, the rates for developing applications made 100% in code are more expensive than with Nocode.

At, we estimate that the cost of a digital project is 2 to 3 times less for our clients than if they were to use a traditional agency, not to mention the reduced maintenance costs over the life of the solution.

Evolution of the solutions developed

The great strength of Nocode tools is their iteration capacity. That is, the ability to quickly modify an existing application in response to changing needs or market developments.

This great flexibility brings a lot of value to companies, contractors and teams.


Nocode makes the development of digital solutions accessible to a wider audience. People without coding skills can now create applications and business teams can take charge of developing the digital solutions they need.

For example, marketing teams can develop their own landing pages, automations, and create or modify the company's website. Some Nocode solutions are particularly accessible such as Glide or Softr. Other solutions such as Bubble or Webflow can produce highly customized solutions, but are more complex to learn. 

Boost the performance of technical teams

Nocode allows developers to focus on more complex tasks, which can improve their performance. 

Technical teams can use Nocode solutions to speed up their work and improve productivity. For example, by using open source Nocode solutions that they can fork, teams can save time by reusing existing software components, avoiding the need to recreate everything from scratch. 

In addition, some Nocode solutions allow users to add code elements to existing Nocode solutions - allowing them to customize the solution to their specific needs.

Limits of Nocode 

Although Nocode has many advantages, it is important to consider its limitations before choosing a development method.

Vendor Lockin

Vendor lock-in is a potential risk when using Nocode solutions to develop your company's digital solutions. Some platforms may limit migration options to other systems. This means that if a company decides to change vendors, they may be stuck with a system that cannot be easily migrated. This can result in significant cost and disruption. Furthermore, if the Nocode solution disappears, the sustainability of the digital solutions developed is no longer assured.

However, it is important to qualify this statement by noting that the risk of vendor lock-in can vary depending on the Nocode solutions used and how they are integrated into the overall IT infrastructure of the company.

To avoid the risk of vendor lock-in, it may be worthwhile to turn to open source Nocode platforms.

Open source Nocode solutions offer increased flexibility because the code is accessible and modifiable, allowing developers to further customize their applications and adapt to specific business needs.

In addition, these platforms can sometimes be better integrated into the overall IT infrastructure of the company - offering greater freedom of choice in terms of cloud service providers and associated technologies. To learn more about this topic we invite you to consult our Ebook on Open Source Nocode Solutions.

Limitations in terms of customization

Nocode tools are generally easier to use compared to traditional development, but may offer less flexibility in some cases. Companies may be limited in customizing their applications and may be forced to adapt their needs to the Nocode solution. 

If this is the case for the most accessible solutions, many solutions offer total customization possibilities like Webflow or Bubble.  

Security and data governance

Like any technology, there are security risks associated with Nocode tools. Here are the main ones:

  • Unauthorized access. Nocode tools can allow users to create and publish applications without the need for programming knowledge. This can lead to security problems if unauthorized people access the application and change the way it works.
    This is why it is important to educate and train all your employees in Nocode. At, we support many companies in this regard.
  • Lack of versioncontrol. Although the market is evolving rapidly with the arrival of promising solutions such as Flusk or ncScale, the ability to "version" and manage changes made from Nocode tools is very poorly developed. This is still a big lack for the control and the good collaboration of the technical teams.
    Note that we still see some movement on the subject: March 29, 2023,
    Bubble announced their new "Version Control"..
  • Weak authentication controls. Nocode tools may offer built-in authentication features. However, these authentication controls may not be robust enough to protect users from phishing and brute force attacks.
    We recommend that you look to leading technologies that have a proven track record in this area.

Some industries need to pay special attention to so-called "sensitive" data. This data must be treated in a more strict and demanding way. It is then important for these organizations to turn to tools that have specific certifications such as SOC2.

Limitations imposed by the solution

Each tool has its own positioning. Some are more suitable for less technical profiles but the overall functionality may be too basic.

Others are specialized in native application design, like Flutterflow. Or for web applications, like Bubble.

It is important to verify that the functionalities of the chosen Nocode solution are in accordance with the specifications and expectations before selecting it.


Nocode's solutions offer many advantages for businesses looking to develop applications quickly and efficiently, without the need for programming skills. Nocode platforms allow users to create custom applications with just a few clicks, which can help companies reduce development costs and save time by not having to hire professional developers.

In addition, Nocode solutions are often easy to use and set up, which can allow users to create applications quickly and independently, without the need for constant IT support. 

However, it is important to consider the potential risks associated with Nocode solutions, such as vendor lock-in, security and data governance issues.

Ultimately, the advantages and disadvantages of Nocode solutions depend on the specific needs of the business and the resources available to implement and maintain the solution. In many cases, Nocode solutions offer a fast and affordable alternative to traditional application development methods, allowing companies to create custom applications without the need to hire professional developers.

What is a Nocode platform?

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A Nocode platform is a development tool that allows users to create websites, applications, workflows and automations without the need for programming skills. Nocode platforms provide a graphical user interface and drag-and-drop functionality that allows users to create custom solutions by simply selecting the elements and features they want to include in their application or workflow.Nocode platforms use pre-built templates and building blocks to ease the development process, allowing users to create solutions faster and more efficiently.

What are the main Nocode tools?

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There are thousands of Nocode tools, to create websites, mobile applications, business applications or automations. The most famous Nocode solutions are: Bubble, Webflow, Softr, Glide, Make, Zapier, Microsoft Powerapps, Google AppSheet or Shopify.

Why use Nocode platforms?

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Nocode platforms offer a fast and affordable way to create custom websites, applications, workflows and automations, allowing companies to reduce development costs and save time.

Who is the Nocode for?

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Nocode is for anyone who wants to develop digital solutions: business teams or technical teams who will be able to accelerate their development capabilities. The Nocode is adapted to small structures and entrepreneurs who do not have access to a technical team, but also to large groups who want to accelerate their digital transformation and empower their teams.

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